2020-05-09 19:57:56

Shafaq News / 3 deaths and 76 new infections with Corona virus have been recorded during the past 24 hours, The Iraqi Ministry of Health announced on Saturday.

“The new casualties were distributed as follows: Baghdad / Rusafa: 25 cases , Baghdad / Al-Karkh: 10, Medical City: 19, Maysan: 1, Basra: 17, Wasit: 1, Anbar: 2, Salahuddin: 1, “the ministry said in a statement to Shafaq News.

The statement noted that the deaths were recorded in Baghdad / Rusafa, one case in the Medical City, and one in Diyala, while 41 cases have recovered, as follows: Baghdad / Karkh: 11 recoveries, Najaf: 2, Basra: 8, Babel: 4, Erbil: 5, Kirkuk : 1, Al -Muthanna: 9, Salahuddin: 1.

According to the Ministry's figures, the total number of infections are: 2679, the total number of deaths: 107, the total number of recoveries: 1702, and the total number of deaths: 870.