2014-04-12 12:05:35
“Nineveh Operations Command is “powerless” since more than forty days , it can’t provide protection to repair the strategic oil pipeline to Turkey , adding that the oil smugglers are still stealing Iraqi oil in the absence of security forces ,” Nujaifi told “Shafaq News “.

Nujaifi called Nineveh Operations Command to “mitigate the burden of the citizen within Mosul city and not to interfere in missions of the traffic police and the local police ."

He called on the leadership of operations to " end the real terrorist outposts in areas known to them and to the local government ," noting that   " these cells are in areas away from Mosul by about 50 to 100 km ."

According to informed sources , armed groups prevent maintenance teams from reforming the pipeline, which is the main pipeline of oil export in northern Iraq after being bombed 40 days ago, which threatens to extend the stop period to indeterminate period .