2020-03-12 12:07:24

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Health on Thursday warned the country’s residents of a "health catastrophe" that could be unavoidable in the event of non-compliance with the new measures to prevent the novel Corona virus.

This came in a statement issued by Iraqi Health, commenting on the global health classification of Corona virus as a global epidemic.

The ministry called on the Iraqis to be careful and to implement all recommendations issued by the competent authorities regarding the prevention of the virus.

The ministry warned, saying that "negligence may lead to a disastrous health catastrophe, as happened in some countries of the world," vowing to punish violators.

It also called residents of Iraq to ​​refrain from gatherings and avoid movement between cities and follow health advice.

8 people died of Corona virus throughout Iraq out of more than 70 infections, including 19 cases in Kurdistan Region, while 20 others recovered.

The authorities in the country have taken wide measures to reduce the spread of the virus, including closing the borders with neighboring countries, suspending schools and universities, closing public places, and decreasing the number of employees in state departments to half.