2020-07-18 13:30:48

Shafaq News/ Joint Operations Command announced on Saturday that it’s willing to send military forces soon to Zurbatiyah border crossing with Iran, in Wasit governorate, as they had already taken control of border crossing in Basra and Diyala.
“Strict measure will be taken to enforce the law, and national prestige on all border-crossings, in order to provide economic resources for the country”, the Deputy Commander of the Joint Operation Command Abd al-Amir Al-Shimmari has announced to Iraqi public mass media after visiting Zurbatiyah border crossing in Wasit.
“The visit objective is to inspect the area and to provide all of the required equipment, before the arriving of a Joint Operations Command force in a few days. This operation aims to control every border crossing, and to eliminate corruption”, Al-Shimmari has added.
This morning, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-kadhimi has arrived to Zurbatiyah border crossing, Noting that the government had deployed armed forces on the borders in Basra and Diyala in an attempt to eliminate the rampant corruption in these governorates.
Earlier, Joint Operations Command had announced that it was preparing a complete coherent plan to control the border-crossings in Mandali and Munthiriya, and was made under instructions of the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. The latter ordered to take control of all border crossing, secure customs spots, enforce security and law.