2020-03-11 10:53:02

Shafaq News / The Central Criminal Court at the Presidency of Baghdad’s Appeal, Rusafa Federal, sentenced three doctors to six years in prison for the treatment of ISIS injured elements in Baiji.

The media center of the Supreme Judicial Council stated in a statement today that "the convicts admitted, in the preliminary investigation, that they were doctors and worked with ISIS terrorist gangs in treating terrorists in a house in Baiji."

The statement added that "the court found sufficient evidence to sentence them to a six-year prison term in accordance with the provisions of Article IV / 2 of the Anti-Terrorism Law No. 13 of 2005."

It is noteworthy that ISIS had invaded two-thirds of Iraq in mid of 2014 before Peshmerga security forces, backed by the international coalition  launched a 3-year campaign to defeat the militant organization militarily.