2020-04-01 12:43:00

Shafaq News / The Iraqi security authorities announced on Wednesday killing a suicide bomber and three terrorists belonging to ISIS in Diyala province.

The Security Media Cell said in a statement today that a suicide bomber was killed along with three terrorists on Khuraisan River south of Buhriz area in Diyala.

Diyala Operations Command pieces began this morning (the Fifth Infantry Division, Diyala Police, the Popular Mobilization, the Tribal Mobilization) to implement raids and searchs on the following villages and regions (Khames Jousor, Al-Aali, Al-Tanirah, Basateen Al-Sidawi, Al-Asyud, Al-Maadan, Sansal, Al-Khailbaniyah, Arab Hamada, Mulla Alwan, Jamil Al-Hassoun, Najm Al-Abdullah, Al-Dawalib, Al-Boujaid, Mansourieh Al-Jabal, and the surrounding orchards to arrest the remains of terrorist elements, destroy their remaining capabilities and impose security and stability in them.