2020-03-04 11:43:37

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Health and Environment issued a clarifying statement in which it questioned the death of one of those infected with Corona virus in Sulaimaniyah Governorate.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Health and Environment Saif Al-Badr said, "Some media circulated news of the death of the first case of new Corona virus in Iraq, as the Ministry of Health and Environment confirms that 5 cases were diagnosed in Sulaimaniyah and a sixth case was suspected of an elderly man suffering from several chronic diseases and his health status was critical, after taking the required samples to perform the confirmation tests, his health condition deteriorated and he died. "

He added that "it has not been confirmed until now whether the dead person was infected with the new corona virus or not and is awaiting for confirmation from the relevant reference authorities and able to confirm the infection or not."

Al-Badr pointed to "taking the necessary measures by the health authorities in Kurdistan region to deal with died man according to the global health regulations," calling on all media to "be careful in conveying the information and not to rush to publish news from non-official sources."

The General Directorate of Sulaimaniyah Health Department announced earlier the first death from Corona virus in Kurdistan Region for a 70-year-old man.