2020-04-19 11:35:40

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Health announced on Sunday that it has documented a break in the curfew and opening of roads and shops, warning of a rapid increase in the number of infections with Corona virus.

Minister Jaafar Sadiq Allawi said in a statement received by Shafaq News, "As a commitment from our ministry to the directives of the Crisis Cell and the Office Committee for 2020 to combat the new Corona epidemic, we are keen to communicate with the Iraqi public opinion to inform them of the periodic evaluation of the course of the plan to control the outbreak of the new Corona epidemic."

We explain the following:

  1. Epidemiological monitoring teams continue the survey field of some rapid areas from our assistance in the transition to effective epidemiological survey through field visits to the regions and test the most groups expected to get infected and take samples from people suspected of being infected.
  2. We call all social media to stay away from reporting unreliable news that encourages breaking the comprehensive health curfew, knowing that our ministry has a periodic evaluation of the implementation of the curfew, which basically determines the continuation or easing its procedures based on the interest and safety of citizens and making sure from stopping the epidemic chain, in consultation with government agencies and the World Health Organization.
  3. We observed non serious commitment to the instructions issued by the Supreme Committee for Health and Safety and the Ministerial Crisis Cell to combat the spread of the epidemic in Iraq, which led to crowded public roads with cars and bicycles and opening many shops and markets, which may lead to a rapid increase in the number of infections and the failure of previous efforts that have been made to control the spread of the epidemic, as we call on all security leaders to follow up on the implementation of the issued instructions and hold accountable to those responsible for negligent in carrying out the duties assigned to them.
  4. We remind everyone of the World Health Organization’s repeated warnings about the danger of mitigating health measures taken to control the epidemic before ensuring full control over its spread and ensuring the cooperation of citizens and the media in implementing any future policy related to easing procedures