2020-06-22 15:34:20

Shafaq News / The council of Representatives Rapporteur, Hoshyar Qardagh, revealed, on Monday, that the parliament may resort to an online platform (VideoConference) to hold the next sessions, after registering several Covid-19 cases among the members of the council.
Qardagh told Shafaq News agency that, "Parliamentary committees continued working despite the fact that the parliament sessions were postponed", noting that, "the Presidency of the Parliament set, next Wednesday, a date for the resumption of the sessions and the vote on the internal and external borrowing law draft".
It is noteworthy that the Iraqi parliament has never held videoconference sessions.
The MP from the Al-Fatah Alliance, Hanin Al-Qaddo, told Shafaq News agency, earlier today, Monday, that the next parliament session might not be held due to the registration of several Covid-19 cases among MPs, noting that some information indicated 34 cases among MPs and parliament employees.