2020-05-02 08:06:01

Shafaq News / Local and security sources said that the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) named Hashd al-Shaabi in Arabic were exposed at Saturday dawn to multiple attacks by ISIS in areas south of Tikrit city northwest of Baghdad , the local capital of Salahuddin  Governorate, killing 11 elements and wounding two others.

"ISIS attacks from 4 axes," Tal al-Dahab, Meckeshifiya district, the outskirts of al-Dur and east of Samarra” killed 11 members of the Tigris Brigade - PMF and wounding 2 others, “ The Mayor of Samarra, southeast of Salahuddin , Mahmoud Khalaf al-Samarrai, told Shafaq News.

"The security forces and PMF responded to the attacks and made some losses in ISIS ranks, whose final outcome has not been clear so far," Samarrai added.

The southeast areas of Salahuddin are witnessing attacks and continuing security incidents because of the presence of dens and strongholds of ISIS, taking advantage of the rugged geographical nature and the vast areas that witness a security vacuum.