2020-05-18 10:08:44

Shafaq News / The Commissioner of the International Commission for Human Rights in the Middle East, Ambassador Haitham Abu Saeed, revealed today, that he had received information that "there are helicopters " that help Islamic State (ISIS) elements in areas of three provinces in Iraq, noting at the same time that "International bodies" have facilitated the passage of these elements to the Iraqi-Syrian borders.

Since last April, Iraqi cities have witnessed a sharp escalation of attacks by ISIS.

"The International Human Rights Committee expresses its concern about the information received from the Iraq office about the existence of evidence that helicopters assisted ISIS in Salahuddin , Nineveh and Diyala regions," noting that he was not surprised by the report, Abu Saad said in an interview reported to Shafaq News Agency.

"all the reports that he had previously sent to the UN bodies indicated that the presence of these takfir groups has not ended, especially after some international bodies have facilitated their passage to the Iraqi-Syrian borders."

Ambassador Abu Saeed added that "the return of terrorism to the Middle East does not serve anyone," warning that "misery and displacement may double as a result of the insistence of some parties to keep the Middle East region as a region to settle political accounts and do not take into account the lowest rights in terms of a decent and safe life."

He added that "the battle against terrorism has no ceiling that can be agreed upon in order to unite all efforts among states", stressing that "the countries that own the fateful decisions of the people do not want to define the foundations of terrorism to keep the matter open, so that every country strives according to its own interests, this has dire consequences for Arab societies in which religion and politics are mixed.”

Ambassador Abu Saeed instructed his Special Adviser, Haider Al-Shara to follow up the matter with the relevant government authorities to find out all the details in order to work on taking preventive humanitarian measures.