2019-11-04 11:11:44

Shafaq News /The Israeli Foreign Minister ,Israel  Katz accused on Monday Iran's Quds Force commander ,Qasem Soleimani and the Revolutionary Guards of leading the repression and killing demonstrators in Iraq.

"We sympathize with the Iraqi people's struggle for freedom , a decent life and strongly condemn the repression and killing of demonstrators led by Qassem Soleimani and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard," Katz was quoted as saying by the Israeli Foreign Ministry website on Twitter.

"The Iraqi people are an ancient people with a glorious history, and many Iraqi Jews have good memories of the common life in Iraq," he said.

The capital Baghdad and the central and southern Euphrates provinces are witnessing demonstrations that began since early October and resumed again on the 25th  of the same month in protest against the deterioration of   living , service conditions, the spread of unemployment, and financial and administrative corruption in the state institutions and departments.

Demands have risen to topple the government and parliament, and the removal of all parties involved in the political process since 2003, until now after violence and repression of protesters, which left dozens dead and hundreds injured.

Iranian interests in the region are facing risks that have worried the Iranian leadership. According to Western reports, Iranian concern is centered in Lebanon and Iraq, which are witnessing a mass movement directed against corruption and government deficits.