2014-01-08 06:31:22

“It is essential that the United Nations plays an extraordinary and important role in helping countries that are fighting terrorism; internationally as a dangerous threat to global security,” Jaafari said in a statement issued by his office During a meeting with the Secretary -General of the United Nations, Nikolai Miladinov received by “Shafaq News”.

He pointed to “the need to find information and security cooperation, and support countries that are fighting terrorism with sophisticated weapons ; to address and end the deviant ideas that shed human blood ."

Jaafari called for “a resolution within the United Nations that obliges states to drain the sources of terrorism , cut off financial support , account the states that offer them shelter and facilitate their transit to other countries , as well as the countries that use media that promotes for them”.

Anbar province is experiencing tensed security conditions since more than two weeks represented by the control of al-Qaeda militants on a number of cities, as police and military forces and tribes seek to expel the militants .