2013-12-25 09:14:36

Al-Nusour was received by Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki and other officials.

The visit of Jordanian Prime Minister , Abdullah al-Nusour arrived to Baghdad in one –day visit , as he head a ministerial delegation comprising Foreign Ministers , Nasser Judeh , Minister of interior , Hussein al-Majali , Minister of Industry and Trade , Hatem al-Halawani , Minister of Agriculture , Akef Al -Zoubi and Minister of energy , Mohamed Hamed .

An Iraqi official told “Shafaq News " , that “ al-Nusour talks with al-Maliki and other senior Iraqi officials and representatives of economic activities are concentrated on the bilateral relations and ways of enhancing joint cooperation especially in the politics , security, economic and investmentfields.

He added that the talks dealt in the economic field with the establishment of an oil pipeline between the two countries , which occurred on 9th of last April, in the agreement framework to build a pipeline to transport crude oil from the Iraqi city of Basra, southern Iraq to the Jordanian port of Aqaba on the Red Sea coast , in addition to the issue of export fruit and vegetables from Jordan to the Iraqi market.