2020-02-25 09:04:51

Shafaq News / Karbala announced measures that it said were precautionary to confront Corona virus, after Najaf announced the diagnosis of the first case in Iraq of an Iranian visitor.

"We have taken precautionary measures, including preventing the entry of foreign visitors from countries with Corona infections, after recording the first confirmed case," said Karbala police chief, Major General Ahmed Ali Zwaini.

For his part, Jawad al-Moussawi, a deputy in the Parliamentary Health and Environment Committee, called on the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment to take strict measures to reduce the virus in Iraq.

Such as:

  1. Punish and hold accountable for traders with the necessary medical supplies for protecting citizens from this disease
  2. Stop the not urgent operations for one month to reduce the patients currently in hospital, in anticipation of any admission cases for large numbers of patients, and to reduce waste and the use of sterile masks and materials
  3. Speeding up quickly and urgently by providing and purchasing large quantities of supplies to protect citizens and patients, such as masks, sterilizers, disinfectants, etc.
  4. Conduct strict field and inspection visits to pharmacies, brothels and border crossings to audit their work and procedures regarding the above topics

Tomorrow, Wednesday at 12 noon, the Minister of Health and Environment will host the advanced Ministry of Health staff to audit and review the Ministry's procedures in this regard.