2020-06-29 22:26:42

Shafaq News / Images published by media close to Kata'ib Hezbollah showed, on Monday, a group of its members insulting PM Mustafa Al-Kadhimi by placing his pictures under the feet.

It is assumed that the published photos show the members who were arrested by the Iraqi army forces on Thursday night / Friday, and released later on Monday.

The pictures demonstrated the members burning both the American and Israeli flags, while treading on pictures of Al-Kadhimi.

Kata'ib Hezbollah is a part of the Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi, which is a state-run military institution and subordinated to the commander-in-chief, Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah announced its refusal to surrender its weapons to the Iraqi state, stressing that the resistance weapon will only be delivered to "Imam Al Mahdi".

After midnight Thursday / Friday, an anti-terrorist force raided the headquarters of "Katai'ib Hezbollah" and detained 14 members. The operation was ordered by Al-Kadhimi himself, and came after several missile attacks that were carried out near the US embassy in Baghdad and other US military sites in the country, in recent weeks.

In the same context, US officials have accused Tehran-backed "Katai'ib Hezbollah" of launching missiles at bases hosting US forces and other facilities in Iraq.