2014-04-28 11:45:07
in Kurdistan after nearly seven months after the parliamentary elections in the region.

The agreement was signed by Fadhil Mirani , secretary of KDP and Mawlood Bawah Murad , head of the Islamic Union in Kurdistan Parliament.

According to the text of the agreement , “ the delegations of the two parties agreed that the share of Islamic Union in the next government in the region would take over the ministries of labor and social affairs , electricity , the Ministry of the region of Parliamentary Affairs and Minister of the region for Kurdish areas outside the management of the region with the Department of non- governmental organizations. "

The parties also agreed to "work to activate the role of Parliament to be the true representative of Kurdistan people and to emphasize the independence of the judiciary , monitor and follow-up of government institutions and fateful decisions ."

The parliamentary elections were held in Kurdistan Region on 25 of last September as KDP won 38 seats out of 111, Change 24 seats and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan 18 seats.

While Islamic Union came fourth with 10 seats, Islamic Group 6 seats, and Islamist movement got one seat .

Leaving only the main party to complete the final contract of winners in the   next formation, which is PUK which opposes granting security ministries to Change movement that split from it a few years ago , demanding not to assign the Ministry of Peshmerga to the movement.

Mirani said earlier that the ministries allocated to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) will remain empty until changing its decision and deciding to participate in the next government.