2014-05-22 11:32:22
, then Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK ) followed by Change in the third place in the results of Provincial Council elections in Kurdistan region in Erbil province .

IHEC said at a news conference attended by " Shafaq News", that” total number of the total seats in Erbil is 30 seats , including 9 for women quota”.

IHEC added that KDP won 12 seats followed by PUK 6 seats , then Chnage 4 seats and the Islamic Group in Kurdistan that obtained two seats , the Islamic Union of Kurdistan got one seat , the Turkmen Front one seat , and Erbil Turkmen list also got one seat , Democratic Movement of Turkmenistan got one seat , the Chaldean -Assyrian popular Council got one seat and " Shalama " entity got one seat .