2013-12-30 09:42:16

while the parliament speaker position will be to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and its Secretary for the Islamic Union , as said that it is likely to grant one of the ministers to its Strategic ally , the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) .

Rudaw media network close to the vice president of the party and the candidate for the formation of the next government , Nechirvan Barzani published news briefed by " Shafaq News " , that under the map Deputy Prime Minister for Change movement while the parliament speaker position will be to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Islamic Union will take the position of general secretary of the parliament according to the same map “.

KDP will retain seven ministries in the next government, compared to four Ministries to Change and three ministries for PUK and two ministries to the Islamic Union and one Ministry of one for each of Islamic group , Turkmen and Christians .

The news agency said that it is likely for KDP to grant one of its Ministries of to PUK to fulfill its obligations under the strategic agreement signed between the two sides.

The elections of Kurdistan Parliament which was conducted in 21 of September has resulted in the victory of KDP led by Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzani and get 38 seats, while Change opposition movement took the second place by obtaining 24 seats , ahead of PUK which came in the third place with 18 seats of the total seats in 111 seats parliament , 100 seats are general and 11 allocated to the national and religious components of under the quota system .