2014-04-01 10:36:15

A Kurdish source told “Shafaq News", that “the meeting was held under the supervision of party’s’ leader, Massoud Barzani”.

He added that the meeting will discuss the formation of a government led by Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) or entrusting the Ministry of Interior for Change movement .

The position of the Ministry of Interior is one of the biggest obstacles in the formation of the Kurdish government , as Kurdistan Patriotic Union refuses to entrust Change movement which is the main rival in its strongholds with this position while the latter insists on this position as a condition for participation in the formation of the government .

The Kurdish source pointed out that KDP wants all blocs to be involved in the government formation .

The parliamentary elections were held in Kurdistan Region on 25 of last September last as Kurdistan Democratic Party won 38 seats while Change won 24 seats and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan won 18 seats.