2014-01-09 06:11:58

, what is known in the media as " Daash " areas from western Iraq.

“U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told his Iraqi counterpart , Hoshyar Zebari, in a telephone conversation that the Iraqi government must make political and economic efforts to isolate the extremist groups,” The spokeswoman of U.S. State of Department , Jane Sacchi told reporters in a conference briefed by "Shafaq News”.

She said that " the Minister noted the importance of strong support by the local population and encouraged the Iraqi government to continue its efforts to empower local officials and tribal groups to isolate the Islamic state and expel them from populated areas ."

Officials in the U.S. administration has said that the United States is closely following the developments in Iraq's Anbar province , and stressed that they continue on with Iraqi leaders to resolve their differences and focus on the " common enemy " of al-Qaeda .

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said last Sunday that his country would help the Iraqi authorities in fight against militants linked to al -Qaeda in Anbar province .

The Iraqi security forces have launched attacks to hunt down elements of organizing the so-called Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant " Daash " , in Anbar province, causing the escape of many of its members to neighboring provinces , including the disputed areas , according to security sources and observers .

But those militants have moved to the cities of the province after events evolved because of the lifting of the sit-in tents , arresting MP Ahmed al-Alwani and killing his brother which made security chaos and anger for some tribes , as Anbar province has witnessed continuing clashes since then.