2014-01-05 07:56:22

, while denied the intention to bring U.S. troops to Iraq .

“The Iraqi government and the tribes will succeed in its fight against al-Qaeda and that Washington was not considering an idea of sending troops to Iraq again,” The U.S. Secretary of State , John Kerry said in a press statement , briefed by " Shafaq News “.

"This is a battle for Iraqis and we do not think to come back but we will help them in their fight ," but he also said that " this battle in the end is theirs and they have to achieve the victory and I am sure they will be able to that."

Officials in the U.S. administration have revealed in a press statement that the United States has handed over the Iraqi government , missiles called " Hellfire " , in addition to drones to help them to fight al -Qaeda.

The U.S. State Department has expressed concern about attempts of " the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant " , known as " Daash " to impose its control over Syria and Iraq.