2014-06-12 07:02:32

aimed to destabilize Iraq and the entire region.

Ban Ki –moon condemned ,according to a statement issued by his press office , seen by "Shafaq News" , that high rate of violence in Iraq by terrorist groups, particularly the the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant organization "Daash" dominated by armed men on many areas of Iraq, such as Mosul , Tikrit and Baiji.

He said, "We must not allow terrorism success in its quest to put obstacles in the way of access to democracy in Iraq," adding that “ the Iraqi people want democracy.

Ban urged the international community to cooperate and Unite in support  mission in Iraq as it is currently facing serious security challenges.

He called to respect international humanitarian laws and human rights laws through private efforts in the fight against terrorism and violence in Iraq.

For his part, the President of the current session of the UN Security Council, Russian Ambassador , Vitaly Churkin told reporters that the council confirmed at today's meeting its support the Iraqi government and its people, especially displaced Iraqis because of the terrorist attacks.

He added that the Russian delegate Council renewed its commitment to support Iraq's security and the safety of its entire lands.

Churkin said that the council strongly condemned the kidnapping of Turkish diplomats in the northern city of Mosul by terrorists demanding their release as soon as possible without being exposed to harm to anyone.

He said that the Council condemned any violence targeting diplomats and representatives of the consulates, where their lives are exposed to risk and hinder their work.

Ki-moon demanded the states to assume their responsibilities and the application of financial sanctions that prevent the sale of arms and travel on both belonged to "Daash" groups organization and personalities close to  it .

Meanwhile, the Iraqi delegate in the United Nations, Mohammed al-Hakim told reporters his government's thanks to the UN Security Council to support Iraq in its fight against "Daash."

Hakim said that Iraq warned on several occasions the UN Security Council that it is facing serious challenges of terrorism for several reasons, including the Syrian crisis.

He expressed his country's concern for the fate of the kidnapped Turkish diplomats by "Daash" stressing that the Iraqi authorities will make every effort to ensure their release.