2020-07-22 14:28:33

Shafaq News / A MP from Kirkuk revealed, on Wednesday, a shortage in the ration card items distributed as COVID-19 aggravated the living conditions in the governorate.

MP Almas Fadel Kamal said in a written letter to the Minister of Trade, "The food agents in Kirkuk province submitted a request calling for justice, as the Ministry did not distribute the monthly rations for citizens, which in turn negatively affected the sustenance and increased the burden on the citizens."

She explained, "the cards were distributed in three out of six months only. The same happened last year, as the rations were distributed in eight months only." Urging the minister to instruct the relevant authorities to address this subject as soon as possible.
Iraq adopted the ration card system after the issuance of UN Security Council Resolution 661 of August 6, 1990, to impose an economic blockade on the country as a result of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait.

The ration card system was very efficient and qualified when after the United Nations "Oil for food" agreement with Iraq of 1996. However, since canceling the agreement and tumbling the former regime the quality and quantity of the rations declined.