2014-03-15 07:46:14

" to the Kurdish issue in Iraq and the region .

“Karim stressed the importance of dealing with this issue in federal away and give full powers to the province until the end of its procedures “, A statement issued by the media Office of the Governor received by “Shafaq News “.

He added that Kurdistan Region has the right to make changes in its surroundings conducted by law, noting that the region’s decision to transform Halabja to a province in right.

Karim said that an approval must be obtained from the Iraqi parliament , pointing out that the Federal Cabinet had voted on a bill to make Halabja as an independent province.

Kurdistan Regional Government has initiated measures to convert Halabja in Sulaimaniyah province to a province, after receiving a direct order from the region's president , Massoud Barzani last week .

Halabja district had been exposed in 1988 to a bombing by chemical weapons by the forces of the former regime led to the deaths of nearly five thousand people and the injury of twenty thousand others .