2014-04-29 06:26:45
while they were celebrating the appearance of President Jalal Talabani, in a television broadcast .

A statement by the prime minister reported for " Shafaq News " , that the presidency condemns strongly the "terrorist" attack that targeted the citizens of Kurdistan in front of the headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Khanaqin city, on the occasion of broadcasting a video showing the President of the Republic of Iraq ,Jalal Talabani during a celebration to express their happiness , that led to a number of casualties.

The statement said that "terrorists" are seeking through their " awful " act to target and " destroy " the enthusiasm of Kurdistan people and stop them from participating in the elections and disturb the atmosphere of freedom and democracy , but it also said that Kurdistan people " will not hesitate in front of these coward acts and will move forward towards freedom and not go back . "

The statement offered condolences to the families of the victims and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan on this occasion and their feelings of sadness and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded and expressed the readiness of KRG to provide necessary requirement for the victims.

A suicide bomber blew himself up at a gathering of supporters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in front of its headquarters in Khanaqin on Monday evening while they were celebrating a video clip of the leader of the party and President Jalal Talabani, as he cast his vote in a special voting for the election of the Iraqi parliament in one of the polling stations in the German capital Berlin .

The blast killed dozens and wounded many , according to security sources.