2014-01-19 11:56:17


“The Iraqi government delegation consists of Hussein al-Shahristani , Abdul Karim al-Laeebi , Safaa al-Deen al-Safi and the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers , Ali al-Alaq,” a Kurdish source told “Shafaq News”.

The Kurdish delegation consisting of Azad Barwari , Saven Dazia , Ashti Hawrami and Amanj Raheem.

The Iraqi government has threatened yesterday to punish all of the region and Turkey if continued its operations in the export of oil .

The issue of the extraction , production and export of oil from Kurdistan to Turkey according to agreements between the two sides is considered of the main points of disagreement between Erbil and Baghdad , where Erbil insists on the constitutionality of the procedures carried out by it while Baghdad rejects exporting oil without its consent and deposit amounts at SOMO .