2014-01-27 07:42:18

, then Change Movement without causing any significant results concerning the formation of the next Kurdishgovernment.

It was expected that the meetings which continued for late hours of last night would end by an announcement of the details of what was discussed or a press statement, but the meetings were concluded without revealing any information about what the discussions about the next Kurdish government .

The member of Change delegation , Aram Sheikh Mohammed said that his delegation's meeting with KDP witnessed the exchange of views on the new Kurdish government .

He pointed out that the movement confirmed that the distribution of positions must not be according to “partisan interests “of any party , but according to the elections and respect the will of the voters and the citizens of Kurdistanregion.

According to press leaks, KDP approved a proposal to have two deputy or the prime minister , one from Change and the other from PUK, but the issue has not been resolved so far .

While leaks indicated again that a delegation of PUK insisted during the meeting with KDP to get the deputy prime minister position with the Ministries of Finance , Interior and reconstruction and other Ministries, pointing that KDP delegation informed Change delegation of its acceptance to the demands of PUK on the condition for the first deputy of the Government to be for PK and the second deputy to Change with the position of Speaker of Parliament .

The leaks also indicates that KDP demanded the delegations to postpone the issue of going into the distribution of ministerial portfolios until after the agreement on the sovereign positions .

The parliamentary elections took place in Kurdistan Region on 21 of last September and resulted in KDP victory headed by the region's president , Massoud Barzani on the first rank by 38 seats out of 111 seats that make up Kurdistan Parliament followed by Change movement led by Mustafa Nushirwan after gaining 24 seats , then PUK 18 seats , the Islamic Union 10 seats and Islamic group six seats .