2013-12-25 10:42:28

This comes at a time , Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces , Nuri al-Maliki announced the start of an extensive security operations in Anbar desert in various forms of security services to hunt down members of al-Qaeda.

The operation was launched on the name of, “the commander of the seventh brigade to revenge for Mohammed al-Korawi " who was killed with a group of officers and soldiers during chasing a number of al-Qaeda elements .

The spokesman of the bloc, Muayed al- Tayeb told “Shafaq News " , that " every Iraqi who support the terrorist organization Daash is a traitor and a criminal," noting that " the only approach of Al-Qaeda is killing Iraqis in various ways ."

He stressed his support for “military operations carried out by security forces to end the presence of terrorist elements.”

Prime Minister and General Commander of the Armed Forces has called on Monday the political blocs and the Iraqi people to support the security forces in facing al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda has strengthened its influence in Iraq this year , taking advantage of sectarian and political divisions and resentment of Sunnis against Shiite-led government .

The militant group wage violent attacks across Iraq , recording the highest rates of violence since 2008.