2014-03-09 08:45:44

, calling for the heads of political blocs to resolve the differences .

“We don’t support any external interference, but the heads of political blocs used to sit when a crisis take place in the past and find results to resolve the crisis,”The vice president of the bloc , Mohsen al-Sadoun told “Shafaq News “.

He added that " there is a significant dispute among the political blocs and what we heard from Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki that the Parliament is illegal a big statement from a senior Iraqi official “.

“These statements undermine the relationship between the parliament and the government and weaken the prestige of the state,” he added.

The head of Kurdistan Region , Massoud Barzani said last week that the Kurdish people will not alter anything for their freedom, stressing that if the Iraqi government continues in its approach against the region then it will have unexpected position .

Kurdistan Region is suffering from financial scarcity that causes stop in paying salaries to employees , while officials in the regional government accused Baghdad of being deliberate in not paying the region 's financial allocations to pressure it in order to achieve political and economic gains .