2014-02-20 07:32:33

makes Kurdistan under the mercy of the federal government , citing that the federal government did not send dues of staff to the region.

The spokesman of KRG , Saven Dazia , told " al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper," briefed by " Shafaq News " , that positive changes were observed in the position of the Federal Government regarding the outstanding issues , with the exception of what Baghdad is insisting on about the oil file which is one of the most important problems still suspended between the two parties .

He added that Baghdad had no objection to export the region 's oil , but stipulated the supervision of (SOMO ) government Company on the export mechanism of sales and revenues and deposit them in ( DFN) bank and then U.S. Federal Ministry of Finance sends the region's share.

Dazia considered Baghdad’s request as " making the region under its mercy on the evidence that they didn’t send the regions’ staff entitlements of salaries and allowances ," adding that “KRG does not object the partnership between the two sides in all fields of oil extraction until selling it.

Dazia said that the Kurdish party put a condition to deposit the region's share of the proceeds to the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) in the region and that KRG to be free to dispose its share of the revenue after the ratification of its general budget in the Parliament of the region , noting that this point is the only one that has been left.

On Baghdad 's rejection to pay the salaries to the region’s staff , Dazia considered this step as clear violation of the constitution and the law, pointing out that " Baghdad is using this issue as a pressure point on the region ."

Dazia did not rule out that " this act came in order to satisfy the masses of influential parties in the government because of the proximity of the Iraqi parliaments’elections."

Dazia revealed that the Prime Minister of the region , Nechirvan Barzani insisted on Baghdad that this action was "unjustified , unacceptable and will not be accepted by the people of Kurdistan to be at the mercy of anyone and asked them to review themselves on this subject and not to manipulate the citizens for political gains."

Dazia criticized some Iraqi politicians who " still think with the strong and weak logic," stressing that " many of them must thank the region because it provides economic ground fertile for Iraq in terms of security and stability, but served them personally and many of them settled with their families in the provinces of the region away from the unstable security and terrorism in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities . "

He pointed out that " most of the officials and politicians in Baghdad, attend to work for five days , or less , per week and spend the weekend in the region ."

The head of KRG, Nechirvan Barzani has led a senior delegation from the region to visit Baghdad on Monday and held meetings with Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki and other senior officials in his government to discuss ways of finding solutions to the disputes between Baghdad and Erbil on files of budget , oil and Peshmarga , without reaching an agreement to end those files so far .