2014-02-02 06:23:39

, denying that there were other reasons related to the meetings between officialAmericans and Barzani.

The statement by the official spokesman for the Office of the region’s Presidency , Omid Sabah , reportedly for " Shafaq News " , mentioned that some of the media and press institutions published fabricated news these days about the reasons for the delay of Barzani's visit to America .

He explained that all the preparations have been taken by the U.S. administration , its time , meeting with senior U.S. officials and the U.S. President , but Barzani himself decided to postpone the visit to another appropriate time.

The statement added that this topic has been discussed during the phone call between each of the U.S. Vice President , Joe Biden and President of Kurdistan Region , Massoud Barzani .

Some of the Kurdish media have reported that the postponement of the visit came after the U.S. administration informed Mr. Barzani that he would be unable to meet with U.S. President, Barack Obama.

Washington had announced on Saturday that U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden had a phone call on Friday with President of Kurdistan Region , Massoud Barzani .

According to a White House statement, Biden stressed the importance of the relationship between the United States and Kurdistan Region , stressing the U.S. commitment to strengthen the partnership with Iraq .

The statement added that both leaders stressed the need for close cooperation between Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi government in order to reach an agreement on the issue of energy exports and revenue sharing .

The statement concluded by saying that Vice President Biden and President Barzani “are committed to support efforts to meet the challenge of continued terrorism in Iraq”.