2014-05-13 10:26:05
, calling to move away from political bids in this regard.

“The presidency of the parliament and in coordination with all parliamentary blocs will take its decision on how to amend the draft constitution of the region ,” The statement for the presidency of the parliament received by “Shafaq News”.

The statement stressed that the presidency of the parliament will work to make the future constitution of the region as a factor to achieve the democratic , parliamentary and civil system and put the foundations for institutions in the region that will be the subject of the trust and satisfaction of citizens .

The statement added that despite the preoccupation of the presidency of the parliament with the issue of forming the next government in the region , but it has made the issue of amending the Constitution of its priorities.

The statement added that amending the Constitution is a public demand and the demand of all political parties , pointing out that the President of the region and after consultation with the Speaker of the Parliament , a request letter dated 12.06.2013 has been sent to the parliament to work towards a national consensus through the amendment of the draft constitution of Kurdistan Region .

The draft constitution of Kurdistan Region is considered of contentious issues among various political forces in the region because of the different views on many of the paragraphs contained therein .

Although it had been passed by majority in the previous parliamentary session , in which the two main partied Kurdistan Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan had a main role in passing it , but the opposition parties , led by Change movement and the Islamist parties of Kurdistan demanded the Region's President , Massoud Barzani not to sign it and return it to parliament , especially after of the position of PUK later and its call t return the project back to parliament .