2014-05-20 10:29:57
, as well as the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the son of the President of the Republic , Qubad Talabani as Vice-President , while Change refused to vote on the latter .

" Shafaq News " reporter in parliament said that Barzani got 99 votes , while his deputy, Talabani won 78 votes out of a total of 111 seats, adding that members of Change movement in the parliament refused to vote for Talabani.

On the reasons for this situation , a member of Change in Parliament , Perzo Majid said in an interview with " Shafaq News " , that “ members of the bloc did not vote for Talabani , seeking to remove the effects of duplication management approach in the region , pointing out that it was supposed to vote on the prime minister only in this session for the same reason “ .

For his part, a member of Kurdistan parliament from PUK Rioaz Faeq commented in an interview with " Shafaq News " , on “ the position of the Change from the candidate , Qobad Talabani by saying that his bloc presented young candidate who has no corruption or financial files .

He added that Talabani is Academic and has won the support of the majority of the political bureau of PUK as a candidate for the post , stressing that all parliamentary blocs were supposed to vote in favor of him as deputy prime minister .

The Kurdish parliamentary elections had been held in 21 of last September last as naming presidency of the parliament and the new government was delayed for months as a result of differences among the participated blocs and political parties on the candidates for the elections by each party .