2014-03-16 10:44:24

, Massoud Barzani after the recent meeting with members of the Kurdish bloc in the Iraqi parliament .

“After the end of the meeting of the region's president, Massoud Barzani, the Kurdish blocs in the Iraqi parliament on Saturday which was dedicated to discuss the issue of the general budget in Iraq for the current year, a number of participants in the meeting released statements to the media on behalf of Barzani,” The presidency of the region said in a statement reported for " Shafaq News ".

The statement added that the presidency confirm to all that the results of the meeting has been announced by it officially, pointing out that no one or party is entitled to speak on behalf of the President of the Region .

It stressed that presidential statements that express its official policy is issued by the Presidency of the region , the Office of the President and Presidential Spokesman only .

The President of Kurdistan Region held a meeting on Saturday with Kurds members of in the Iraqi parliament to discuss the issue of the Iraqi budget and the issue of public participation in the discussion of the draft law in the parliament.

The meeting decided , according to an official statement of the Presidency , the non-participation of the Kurds in any session of the parliament devoted to the discussion of the Iraqi public budget bill without being agreed upon it by all parties .