2014-03-09 10:35:32

, despite the announcement of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Hussain al-Shahristani on an agreement on the matter .

The government spokesman said in a statement posted on the government site , reported for " Shafaq News " , that “there was no agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to export oil from the region by Iraqi National oil marketing company " SOMO " , so far .

Dazia explained that the Kurdish party has submitted three weeks ago, a number of proposals to the federal government , adding that the regional government is awaiting for Baghdad’s answer since then.

However, Baghdad did not respond to the proposals so far , denying any delegation from the region to visit Baghdad .

He added that there has been no formal meeting held between the representatives of the region and the Federal Ministry of Finance (yesterday ) , noting that Baghdad had demanded Kurdistan with some information on the budget and the deficit .

He added that Erbil has provided the requiredinformation through the Coordinator of the regional government in Baghdad to the federal Ministry of Finance.

Press reports have quoted on Saturday, Federal Deputy Prime Minister of Energy Affairs , Hussain al-Shahristani as saying that Baghdad and Erbil have reached a joint agreement on the export of region’s oil through the national oil marketing company " SOMO " .