2014-01-13 07:01:19

to resolve the oil file between the two parties , welcoming the meeting held in Baghdad on Sunday between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Kurdish representatives in the Parliament.

“Erbil confirm the existence of a good understanding at the meeting held on 25-12 in Baghdad between Barzani and Maliki as the two sides agreed that give each party would submit its proposals,”The spokesman of KRG Safen Dazia said in a press statement posted on KRG website , briefed by “Shafaq News “.

Dazia added that Erbil sent a formal letter On Saturday to Baghdad, announcing at the same time waiting for an appointment to visit Baghdad

Dazia pointed out that Barzani himself will pay a visit to discuss the proposals made by KRG as well as to be provided by Baghdad.

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has called on the Parliament and Kurdish Minister in Baghdad for an urgent meeting to consult with them about the disputed oil developments between his government and KRG.

Maliki informed MPs and ministers , according to press reports on the details of the agreement that took place between him and the President of KRG, Nechirvan Barzani during his recent visit to Baghdad , in which it was agreed on several main points relating to the process of oil export from it , the export operations to be under the approval of the federal government , delivery of contracts to the center, sale of oil exported by world prices and to deposit its revenues in Iraq’s Fund in New York , which is a fund that has been created since 2003 .