2020-04-29 14:54:12

Shafaq News / An informed political source revealed on Wednesday, the latest developments in the formation of the new Iraqi government, and the date for voting on it in the parliament, and explained the mechanism for distributing ministerial portfolios to political forces according to the parliamentary entitlement, confirmed that Prime Minister-designate Mustafa al-Kadhimi sent lists of names of candidates for the cabinet Ministerial to integrity, accountability and justice bodies.

"Al-Kadhimi has completed the process of forming the ministerial cabinet, except for the Ministries of Interior and Defense. There is a deep Shiite-Shiite dispute over the Interior Ministry, and a lesser dispute over Defense among the Sunni political forces,” The source told Shafaq News.

"Al-Kadhimi agreed with the Shiite and Sunni forces to settle this file on Thursday, as a maximum period, otherwise he will go to Parliament to present his cabinet, to vote next Monday in accordance with his agreement with the political forces, without submitting the candidates of the Interior Defense Ministries."

"In the absence of a Shiite - Shiite consensus on the Interior Ministry and Sunni - Sunni on the Defense Ministry, then these ministries will remain managed by proxy by Al-Kadhimi, after obtaining the confidence of parliament, and give an additional month to the various political forces to resolve the candidates of the security ministries in a consensual manner."

On the mechanism of distributing ministerial portfolios to political forces, the source indicated that "Al-Kadhimi distributed ministerial portfolios to political forces according to the electoral merit and the parliamentary representation of political blocs."

"The Shiite forces have obtained 11 ministries, which are" the Interior, Electricity, Oil, Health and Environment, Foreign Affairs, Higher Education, Agriculture, Communications, Transport and Communications, Labor and Social Affairs, Water Resources, and Culture. "

"The Sunni forces got six ministries represented in" Defense, Education, Industry, Planning, Trade, Youth and Sports, "noting that" the Kurdish forces got three ministries "Finance, Justice, Construction and Housing," stressing that " The Ministry of Displacement and Migration will be allocated to the Christian component, “the source added.

The source pointed out that "Al-Kadhimi sent three lists of names of candidates for the cabinet to the integrity, accountability and justice bodies tbefore sending them to the parliament."

Until now, Al-Kadhimi has not been able, since his mandate, to announce his government formation due to the differences among the Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni political forces over the distribution of ministerial portfolios, especially the sovereign ones.

Al-Kadhimi has the support of most of the major political forces in the three Shiite, Kurdish, and Sunni components, that promised to give confidence to his government formation through its parliamentary blocs in the parliament.

On April 9 of current year, President of the Republic Barham Salih authorized Al-Kadhimi to form the government within 30 days, less than an hour after the former Prime Minister-designate, Adnan al-Zurfi, announced his apology for this task.