2014-05-15 11:36:51

The commander of brigade 12 , Maj. Gen. Mohammed Khalaf al-Dulaimi said in an interview with " Shafaq News " , that “ his forces were able to arrest legitimate Mufti of " Daash " organization in Alqraj area after a clash with one of the units of Daash that resulted in arresting 4 elements”.

Dulaimi said that the security operation was carried out in Alqraj area southwest of Kirkuk , referring to the arrest of four elements belong to the same organization .

Kirkuk province is of the disputed between Erbil and Baghdad and from the hot spots in terms of security that is witnessing armed attacks launched by the so-called Islamic state in Iraq and Levant " Daash " and target mostly security agencies , government departments and gatherings of citizens in markets and public places , according to security sources and observers.