2014-01-29 11:43:57

, while predicted that " terrorist " groups would benefit from such weapons in Iraq and announced that Nusrah Front and groups affiliated to Al-Qaeda have mobilized on the border of his country .

“The world must be responsible and supports all who stand against terrorism and al-Qaeda and anyone who stands in the face of these groups ," noting that " what happened in Syria caused the spread of terrorism in our country ,” Maliki said in his weekly televised speech , briefed by " Shafaq News “.

Maliki pointed out that "the arms began flowing from Syria to Iraq and the countries that are talking about supporting these groups and terrorist organizations in Syria support terrorism in Iraq ."

“Nusrah front, al-Qaeda and Daash from the Syrian side began massing on our borders , we have affected them with huge losses in the past few days ,” Maliki said.