2014-02-25 06:09:53

, despite its possession of wealth , while they agreed on the need to hold elections as scheduled at the end of next April .

According to a statement from Jaafari's office received by "Shafaq News", the latter received after returning from Basra province, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at his office in Baghdad on Monday evening .

“The general situation in Basra province and the aspirations of the people of the province to have the best services , reconstruction and development were discussed during the meeting especially with what the province own of wealth and what the province suffer from poor services and obstacles that stand in the completion of service projects and the need to improve the standard citizen’s of living and to continue to work strenuously,” the statement added.

According to local observers , Basra province suffers from a severe shortage of services despite possessing vast natural resources .

The statement added that the security situation in the whole of Iraq , the importance of strengthening and supporting the armed forces , lay the security foundations and create a positive atmosphere for the completion of all election season in its schedule were all discussed.