2014-05-28 11:39:11
and support the security forces of the army and the police in fight against "Daash" to expel them before the holy month of Ramadan.

Maliki said in his weekly televised speech , followed by " Shafaq News " , that " holy month of Ramadan will come soon and we should receive it with what it worth of dignity."

"We are on this road and live the displacement of our people from Anbar province who are living in difficult conditions , we should do something in order to make them return to their homes , towns and jobs and stop bloodshed ," noting that "Based on what the security forces are doing along with the sons of Anbar , it began to surround Daash terrorists in more than one area. "

Al-Maliki added that in order to achieve the great objective in alleviating the suffering of the displaced families of Anbar and the damage , we must work before next Ramadan " , calling for “ a national conference with the people of Anbar province to determine the position of groups and reach a consensus to fight them .

"I call on the rest of the people of Anbar, who did not take up arms with Daash and after that the fact of the organization became clear to them to stand with the security forces and local government (central ) in Baghdad , and fight terrorists in order to speed up expelling them from Anbar before the holy month of Ramadan.," he added.