2014-01-22 09:59:54

Anbar provincial Council has considered earlier on Wednesday morning , that the situation in Fallujah city is still confusing , and no one can predict what will happen as and everyone is waiting for decisiveness in the coming days .

Maliki said in his weekly televised speech briefed by “Shafaq News” that “ the military operations in Anbar are successful and will continue until we end the existence of terrorism .

He added that the presence of these terrorists in Fallujah city and violating the rights of people and the cries of people confirms that the time has come to resolve the issue and end the presence of gangs in it. "

Maliki called the tribes and all the people of Fallujah to take have a stand and prepare to end the presence of those " terrorists”.

Despite the army's siege to al-Qaeda -linked militants flowing into the city but it was a scene of a number of fiercest battles fought by U.S. troops during the occupation of Iraq from 2003 to 2011.

In a setback to the Iraqi state , " Daash " and clans allied to it controlled Fallujah and nearby parts of Ramadi city, in the first of January .

Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki has deployed troops and tanks around the city of 300 thousand inhabitants and sent weapons to the tribes opposed to al-Qaeda , but ruled out a comprehensive military attack.

The government regained control over most of Ramadi, the center of Anbar province but al-Maliki calls for the tribes to expel insurgents from Fallujah , which lies 50 kilometers west of Baghdad was not listened.