2020-06-09 09:07:10

Shafaq News / The Secretary-General of the Islamic Call Party, Nuri al-Maliki expressed on Tuesday his refusal to exploit the rights of the "uprising revolutionaries” against Saddam Hussein's regime, warning at the same time of "illegal methods" that protesters might take that diverted the demonstrations from their path.

This comes at a time when the federal government directed to reduce the pensions of Rafha detainees, and a group of residents outside Iraq who are receiving other salaries in light of the financial deficit that the country is witnessing due to the spread of Covid-19 and the drop in oil prices in global markets.

Al-Maliki said in a statement today that "peaceful demonstration for legitimate demands is permitted by the Iraqi constitution for anyone who wants to express his opinion and demands his rights, and we can only support and stand alongside peaceful demonstrators as they raise the flags of the country and call on the government to adhere to the constitution and law and apply laws that criminalize Saddam’s Criminal era. "

"We stress the necessity of not prejudicing the rights of torturers, prisoners, displaced persons and uprising revolutionaries against the dissolved Baath regime," he added.

Al-Maliki warned "against the illegal methods that disturb the mass demonstrations from their national goals," calling on "the federal government and local governments to understand the movement of the masses , cooperate with them and respond to them within the framework of the constitution and the laws in force."