2014-02-17 10:12:18

devoted to the privileges, retired MPs and special grades.

“The presidency of the parliament sent us yesterday a list of MPs who voted yes or no from the State of Law only ," noting that " only 19% voted yes to the pensions privileges paragraph ,”The MP of the coalition, Haider al-Abadi said a news conference in the presence of a number of members of the coalition and attended by " Shafaq News “.

Abadi that his coalition presented yesterday " an appeal on privileges paragraph and we will take a pledge of its candidates for the upcoming elections not to demand any privileges ," adding that "the law , which has been approved has canceled all the laws on retirement privileges and if we appealed paragraph 37 then no MP or an employee of a specific level will have privileges and this law will is applied fairly on everyone from the president to the simple employee".

Abadi expressed regret “for defamation and false miscarriage cases that have happened which is electoral propaganda presented by some of the channels ," explaining that "anyone who defames others is corrupted and wants to spread corruption on charges of innocent people to cover up the corruption ."

The supreme Marjiyaa in Najaf criticized, pushing that paragraph in the law calling not to elect those who voted yes on the paragraph from the parliamentary blocs if not cancelled.

Thousands of people in 10 Iraqi provinces have protested on Saturday , in protest demonstrations , demanding the cancellation of paragraph 37 of the Unified Retirement Law earmarked for retirement and privileges of the MPs , the three presidencies and senior officials in the state.