2014-01-01 11:48:03

“I thank the heroic positions of the governor, head of the provincial council and the tribes in Anbar to end the problem that exposed the security situation to more danger ," adding, " I also thank the security forces which raised the tents of disorder , which made havoc to all parts of Iraq,” Maliki said in his weekly televised speech , briefed by “Shafaq News".

He added by saying that “the government had to end the existence of sit -in arenas and maybe late , but we need more time to clarify the picture in front of everyone ," adding that "the sit-ins page have ended and we must continue to pursue al -Qaeda in Iraq , and will continue operations definitely according to planned framework”.

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki called Arab countries that harbor clerics who incite to support infighting and create discord in Iraq.

Maliki also criticized the views and political parties opposed to the military forces' presence in Anbar province, claiming that the army is neutral in dealing with outlaws, stressing that "the army is for all Iraqis not to one component “.