2019-12-04 12:32:11

Shafaq News/ Mike Pence, U.S. Vice President sent a message to the participants in the International Forum for Investment and Reconstruction in Nineveh held in Erbil city, the capital of Kurdistan region, in which he talked about the importance of his recent visit to the region.

U.S. Ambassador, Matthew Toller read out the message as the forum began.

"You are playing a key role in expanding trade relations between the United States and Iraq," he said.

On his visit to Iraq and Kurdistan Region, Pence said that "the recent visit to Iraq and Erbil is the result of the importance and full commitment of America in the development of bilateral relations, and support the achievements of Iraq as a country enjoying prosperity, sovereignty and independence."

On the importance of the forum, the U.S. vice president said, "There is no doubt that this forum will be a factor to find a steady work for Iraqis, especially for males and females of young people, as it will be a factor in order to maintain Iraq's ancient civilization."

At the end of the letter, Pence thanked Kurdistan Regional Government, which helped to convene the forum, saying, "There is no doubt that America is with a free, democratic and prosperous Iraq."

Pence last month made a surprise visit to Iraq, during which he inspected his country's forces at Ein al-Assad airbase (western Iraq), and met senior officials of Kurdistan region while only telephoned Iraqi Prime Minister ,Adel Abdul Mahdi.