2020-04-27 12:47:36

Shafaq News / The Iraqi security forces launched on Monday, a security operation to track ISIS elements in areas between Diyala and Salahuddin provinces.

The Security Media Cell said in a statement that the security forces within Salahuddin leadership of operations are launching a broad military operation within Matabija area to track ISIS remnants and to enhance security and stability in them.

He added that the operation started from four axes, within Matabija area, as of the time of preparing this statement, three dens containing medical, food and other materials were destroyed, as well as two tunnels and a booby-trapped boat, as well as detonating a controlled roadside bomb.

Matabija is considered of the border areas between Diyala and Salahuddin which are the most dangerous dens of terrorism because of the rugged geographical nature that enabled ISIS elements to take refuge and a springboard for attacks in the areas of the outskirts of Diyala and Kirkuk.

Matabija areas are still a security problem for many years and they are called the "evil emirate", and sources talk about the existence of fortified strongholds for armed groups in those areas that have not been inferred until now.

The operation comes a few days after the Security and Parliamentary Committee warned that there are more than 20 villages outside the scope of securing Diyala and Salahuddin operations, warning of the increasing numbers of ISIS elements between the two governorates due to the security vacuum.

Committee member , Abdul-Khaleq Al-Azzawi told Shafaq News that "more than 20 villages between Diyala and Salahuddin  in " Matabija  "sector and within the responsibilities of Samarra operations are still not secured and did not properly the safety operations of land that turned them into  epicenter and grounds for terrorist groups for several years.

He added that the security-lost villages are still empty of the population despite the demands directed to Samarra operations to return their residents, considering returning the displaced people as a step to limit the movements of ISIS groups and secure the northern areas of Diyala.