2014-01-06 06:46:28

Hundreds of prisoners have escaped from “Abu Ghraib " prisons near the Iraqi capital Baghdad after gunmen succeeded in smuggling the prisoners , as it was found that most of the prisoners were senior members of al-Qaeda and sentenced to death.

Hassan al-Shammari said in a press statement , briefed by " Shafaq News " , that "the purpose of facilitating this escape process is to strengthen " Daash “ organization and make the United States concerned from the next alternative to the regime of Bashar al-Assad which is that organization ," indicating that the protection forces of the prisons withdrew before , Al-Qaeda storming and freeing their followers .

He added that " facilitating the escape process came by the U.S. Congress to take a decision giving authorization to President Barack Obama to direct a military strike against Syria at the time, which was canceledlater."