2020-04-22 11:36:26

Shafaq News / The member of the Iraqi Parliament, Basem Khashan revealed on Wednesday, the "involvement" of the resigned Prime Minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi, with "financial crimes", which he described as major during his presidency of the caretaker government.

Khashan told Shafaq News, "The resigned prime minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi  accounted in front of the Iraqi judiciary for financial crimes. There are serious and major violations that occurred during his presidency of the caretaker government."

He added that "among these crimes are insurance contracts in the Directorate of Retirement, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Interior. These contracts are null and void and they were concluded during the caretaker government, as there are serious financial violations and major corruption suspicions, especially the company that was contracted with has no experience in this field and it is a fake company ".

The Iraqi MP concluded, "There are other financial crimes committed during the caretaker government and there are a lot of corruption suspicions , all of which involved Adel Abdul Mahdi personally, and not his office or his ministers."